You can brand all the images present in your application by placing your official logo as watermark on images. This can be done in a programmatic manner using a paperclip gem.
• Add paperclip gem to your ruby on rails application and install all the dependencies like image magick.
• Choose a model and add image attribute columns by following paperclip documentation.
• Using paperclip options you can easily define different size of images within the model.
• Paperclip allows you to add your custom processor to deal with the images and its sizes.
• If you have multiple sizes of images then you can workout the changes on the original image by adding a custom processor. So that the other images will do have a watermark image correspondingly.
• Create a processor and place in your library folder of your application. If you have multiple processors then it is suggested to have a folder for processors.
module Paperclip class Watermark < Processor # Handles watermarking of images that are uploaded. attr_accessor :current_geometry, :target_geometry, :format, :whiny, :convert_options, :watermark_path, :overlay, :position def initialize file, options = {}, attachment = nil super geometry = options[:geometry] @file = file ifgeometry.present? @crop = geometry[-1,1] == '#' end @target_geometry =Geometry.parse geometry @current_geometry = Geometry.from_file @file @convert_options = options[:convert_options] @whiny = options[:whiny].nil? ? true : options[:whiny] @format = options[:format] @watermark_path = options[:watermark_path] @dissolve = options.fetch(:watermark_dissolve, 70) @position = options[:position].nil? ? "SouthEast" : options[:position] @overlay = options[:overlay].nil? ? true : false @current_format = File.extname(@file.path) @basename = File.basename(@file.path, @current_format) end # TODO: extend watermark # Returns true if the +target_geometry+ is meant to crop. def crop? @crop end # Returns true if the image is meant to make use of additional convert options. defconvert_options? not @convert_options.blank? end # Performs the conversion of the +file+ into a watermark. Returns the Tempfile # that contains the new image. def make dst =[@basename, @format].compact.join(".")) dst.binmode command = "convert" params = [fromfile] params += transformation_command params<<tofile(dst) begin success =, params.flatten.compact.collect{|e| "'#{e}'"}.join(" ")) rescue Paperclip::Errors::CommandNotFoundError raise Paperclip::Errors::CommandNotFoundError, "There was an error resizing and cropping #{@basename}" if @whiny end ifwatermark_path command = "composite" command += " -dissolve #{@dissolve}" params = %W[-gravity #{@position} #{watermark_path} #{tofile(dst)}] params<<tofile(dst) begin success =, params.flatten.compact.collect{|e| "'#{e}'"}.join(" ")) rescue Paperclip::Errors::CommandNotFoundError raise Paperclip::Errors::CommandNotFoundError, "There was an error processing the watermark for #{@basename}" if @whiny end end dst end deffromfile File.expand_path(@file.path) end deftofile(destination) File.expand_path(destination.path) end deftransformation_command if @target_geometry.present? scale, crop = @current_geometry.transformation_to(@target_geometry, crop?) trans = %W[-resize #{scale}] trans += %W[-crop #{crop} +repage] if crop trans<<convert_options if convert_options? trans end end end end
• By using this module, you can manipulate the image to handle watermarking.
• Your model cant call any of the method in the module since its out of model scope. You can require the module by specifying require paperclip_processors/watermark’ on top of your model inside the class.
• Once after requiring the module, you can able to call the processor on to your image with various options.
• You can place your desired image/logo in public folder.
• Specify the following options in your model inorder to get the watermark on the uploaded image.
:original => { :processors => [:watermark], :watermark_path => "#{Rails.root}/public/images/logo-home-new.png", :position => 'NorthWest', :watermark_dissolve => 90, :auto_orient => false }
• Here the processors option in the original hash uses the customized watermark class.
• Watermark_path should have the watermark image complete url. This image will come on uploads.
• The position option is where the watermark image will get pasted. For now, the watermark image comes on left-top of the uploaded image, refer the documentation of image magick for various values to pass.
• Auto orient adjusts an image so that its orientation is suitable for viewing. Currently it is set to false.
• After all configurations are done, the image uploads will get a watermark present on them.
• For adding watermarks to existing images in your model, you can try as below,
Note: Running above command on your model will convert all the images to be watermarked.